About Carolyn Armstrong
Hi! Welcome to ckabooks.com, where I celebrate Earth Day every day! I’m an award-winning author of middle grade fiction. A former educator and now an imperfect environmentalist, I blend my love of travel and animal well-being into my stories.
There’s a lot to check out, so allow me to give you a tour.
Under the books tab, you’ll find my novels, the awards they’ve won, plus ways to extend the learning. There are links for an educator guide, fun activities, resources, interviews, how to purchase, and more!
Embrace your inner eco-warrior and sign up for my monthly newsletter called The Earth-friendly Edition For People Who Love The Planet. It takes less than 5 minutes to read and offers simple ways for the whole family (and classroom!) to be more sustainable.
The blog is a mixture of travel adventures, writing, and middle grade reading recommendations.
Interested in an author visit? I visit schools, both in person or virtual, and I also meet with adult book clubs and homeschool groups. My fee is very reasonable. Head to the author visits tab for more details or use the contact form below.
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